Babylon 5 copied ST

 Posted on 4/25/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

{original post unavailable}

The only problem with your theory is that there was never, ever,
at any time, any notion of copying Star Trek, and that perception tends
to exist only in those who don't generally know the full, rich
background of SF. This show owes more conceptually to historical
themes, and the kinds of sagas that come down to us in the Lensman
books, Childhood's End, the Foundation books, Dune and others than any
TV show, including and especially Star Trek.

The only similarity between ST and B5 is that they are both in
the future, and both set in space. That's it. Are you also willing to
state that every SF novel set in the future, in space, is *also*
copying Star Trek? Including those published before there ever WAS a
Star Trek? And of course let's not even get INTO the Forbidden Planet

While I appreciate the *sentiment* of your note, I would commend
to you your local library, and the works of Heinlein, Clark, Asimov,
Sturgeon, Bradbury, Lovecraft, Dunsany, Russell, Smith and others.
Your points of reference may need some measure of enlargement.


Babylon 5 copied ST

 Posted on 4/26/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

{original post had no questions}

Thanks, and I agree with all your points. And yes, it's a
lesson or a point of view worth examining, these days in particular.
